Caroline Nokes confirms she will be seeking election as Deputy Speaker

July 11th, 2024

Caroline Nokes, MP for Romsey & Southampton North, has confirmed that she is seeking election as Deputy Speaker for this Parliament session.

In a post to X Ms Nokes said:

Caroline Nokes for Deputy Speaker

Parliament doesn't just need champions, it needs a champion who has a proven track record of not being afraid to speak out, with experience and with a commitment to impartiality, independence and collaboration.

As a Select Committee Chair since 2020, I have demonstrated my ability to work closely with colleagues from across the House. It has been a privilege and a joy to work with Carolyn Harris on the menopause, Jess Phillips on VAWG, Wera Hobhouse on Eating Disorders, supporting Caroline Dinenage in her work on children's cancer and epic former colleagues like Tracey Crouch on initiatives around women in sport.

But it's not just about women, although I grant you much of my recent work has concentrated on equalities. It is also about making sure Parliament works for everyone. That is not simply emphasising I have been a member of the Panel of Chairs for 5 years and have proven I can do that job impartially and fairly. It is about being interested in everyone in this place having opportunities to participate. I am conscious this is a big new intake, and people will be looking for support and guidance. I have lived through times when colleagues have been belittled from the Chair, that's no way to help new Members learn. I want to be able to use my experience to help everyone shine and champion the causes they care dearly about.

In 2024, there are more MPs now facing very real security threats than ever before. We need a strong team of Deputy Speakers to support Mr Speaker in his initiatives to make us safer, and indeed to stand up for and champion our Parliament. This House is special, our democracy is crucial, but we cannot take it for granted. We need to not just defend it but positively celebrate it.

I know how much Parliament has strengthened me since 2010, now I want to give something back.
