Councillor Yvonne Tracey commences legal action against John Sweeney

June 24th, 2024

Kingston Independent Residents Group candidate, Councillor Yvonne Tracey, has posted on X/Twitter that she has commenced legal action against Liberal Democrat candidate, John Sweeney.

Ms Tracey said: "Sadly I’m left with no other option than taking him to the High Court. Councillor Sweeney has been served and accepted receipt of the High Court papers".

Ms Tracey's statement:

Statement from Yvonne Tracey - Candidate for Kingston and Surbiton

22nd June 2024

I have filed a defamation claim against one of Sir Edward Davey's closest advisors and senior Kingston councillor who is Liberal Democrat candidate for Derby North, Cllr John Sweeney. Cllr Sweeney has today confirmed that he is defending my claim.

I announced I was running as a Justice for Sub Postmasters Independent candidate against Sir Edward. Shortly thereafter, CIlr Sweeney and another prominent Liberal Democrat politician claimed that I was being investigated by the Police, an allegation that there were grounds to suspect I had committed a criminal offence.

This is completely untrue: I have not committed any offence or been the subject of any Police investigation. I am a Grandmother trying to do the best for my community. I have never been in trouble with the Police, and I feel I have been the target of a political smear campaign.

Clir Sweeney has already admitted that the allegation he made was untrue. Despite my efforts to resolve this matter amicably with him, he has left me with no choice but to issue and, now, pursue High Court Proceedings.

Any damages I receive from this action will be donated to the Horizon Scandal Fund which was set up to help Sub Postmasters rebuild their lives.

I invite Sir Edward Davey to publicly condemn the actions of Cllr Sweeney.

I do not intend to comment further on the proceedings and am continuing to focus all my efforts campaigning in Kingston & Surbiton.
