Home Secretary statement on public disorder in Harehills, Leeds

July 19th, 2024

Home Secretary Yvette Cooper has released a statement following a night of public disorder in Harehills, Leeds.

Bonfires were lit and police cars were attacked and overturned. A First Bus was set on fire with another caught up in the chaos.

Home Secretary statement on public disorder in Harehills, Leeds

The scenes of criminality and disorder in Leeds last night were disgraceful, including attacks on police vehicles and public transport, and will have been very distressing for local residents.

Those responsible must face the full force of the law and West Yorkshire Police have my support in pursuing the perpetrators and taking the strongest possible action against them.

Local partners are meeting this morning and the police, the Mayor and local councillors will be working closely with the community to provide support and reassurance and prevent further disturbances.

Where there are incidents of disorder or unrest in communities, there is a responsibility on everyone to support the local agencies and residents who are working to resolve problems and prevent escalation. They have my support in their local work to provide a calm and firm response.

Yvette Cooper

Home Secretary
