Labour to repeal 'pointless' Strikes Act 2023

August 6th, 2024

Labour's Deputy Prime Minister, Angela Rayner, has taken to X today to announce that Labour are to scrap the 'pointless' Strikes Act 2023.

Angela Rayner posted:

We’re scrapping this pointless law and creating a new partnership between businesses, unions and working people through our New Deal.

Repealing this legislation is part one of our plan to reset industrial relations so they’re fit for a modern economy.

A press release on the GOV.UK website announced:

Public services “back on track” as Strikes Act to be repealed

The government has today announced it will repeal the Strikes Act 2023 to get public services back on track and strengthen the rights of working people.

The GOV.UK website quotes Angela Rayner:

Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner said:

Attempting to clamp down on the fundamental freedom of working people has got us nowhere and this was targeted at sectors who dedicate their lives to serving us all. 

That’s why we’re scrapping this pointless law and creating a new partnership between business, trade unions and working people through our New Deal. 

Repealing this legislation is the first part of our plan to reset industrial relations so they are fit for a modern economy.” 
