Lisa Nandy - Labour want to build houses on 'grey belt' land

June 17th, 2024

Lisa Nandy has announced that labour want to build on grey belt land.

We want to release the grey belts for housing. One of the big problems we've got in this country is we haven't built enough homes. We do have a housing crisis. We're committed to building one and a half million more, and that means planning reform. At the moment, what happens is that the government releases the nicer parts of the green belt to developers because they're more lucrative.

So we've lost a significant amount of green belt. We say it's a nonsense that you've got things like disused car parks, which is a real example of where a planning application was refused because it was technically classified as green belt. We want to release the grey belt for housing, build up one and a half million new homes, and tackle the affordability question. So, if you bring communities in at the beginning of the planning process to decide not just where things are built, but what is built. You can make sure that 50% of those homes are genuinely affordable to the local community and help young people get on the housing ladder.
