Mike Tapp MP claims Labour have conducted 9 deportation flights already

August 25th, 2024

Labour MP Mike Tapp appeared on The Camilla Tominey Show on GB News and boasted that Labour have already recruited over one hundred new intelligence officers and they've conducted 9 deportation flights already.

Mr Tapp took to X to say:

We’ve hit the ground running.

After listening to voters, we are taking on the challenge of fixing the broken immigration system and the broken borders that we inherited.

Full transcript of Mr Tapp's posted video:

And for me in Dover and Deal, a perfect example of that is worries and concerns around immigration. You know, these people have valid concerns. They're not racist. We must drop that sort of rhetoric and deal with these issues. Voters, who are concerned about immigration haven't been ignored by me, or by the party. And you can see that already with our immigration policy.

Remember, it's only 50 days, and, you know, there is a common sense approach to this, that it doesn't happen overnight. We started recruiting for the new border security commander. We've already recruited over a 100 new intelligence officers who are working across Europe. We've conducted 9 deportation flights. We're looking at a 1000 officers being brought into a specific deportation unit.

So there's a hell of a lot of work going on behind the scenes. I've seen the difference that those extra powers and tools make. So bringing in MI5 to this fight will have a big impact. Of course, it's not the full answer, but we will be their worst nightmare. Of course, it takes time to pursue and bring these, evil criminals to justice.

And a part of that also is disruption. It's not all about sticking them in prison as much as we'd love to do that. Meeting that evidential threshold is often very difficult, but there are methods to disrupt these operations too. And if we're deporting more that shouldn't be here, which we already are, that acts as a deterrent in itself.
