Rachel Reeves on pensioners and winter fuel payments whilst in opposition

July 30th, 2024

As we all know by now, Chancellor Rachel Reeves has slashed the Winter Fuel Payment for up to two million pensioners.

What did she say about pensioners and winter payments whilst in opposition?

August 2022:

"Pensioners need real help this winter, not Tory leadership candidates playing around with fantasy tax cuts to keep their members happy."

January 2022:

"With prices soaring, older people feel rising energy bills especially hard. That's why Labour's plan won't just help all households keep bills low - but will also give pensioners, those on lower incomes and the squeezed middle the support they need."

May 2017:

"Love this poster from 1945. This time again, it's Labour who will stand up for pensioners, defending the triple lock & winter fuel payments."

April 2015:

"We will protect pensioners’ incomes, safeguard retirement savings and keep homes warm."
