Vaughan Gething has announced that he will quit as first minister of Wales.

July 16th, 2024

Vaughan Gething has announced that he will quit as first minister of Wales.

Mr Gething made history in March when he became the first black man to be elected Welsh Labour leader.

Mr Gething recently lost a vote of no confidence in the Senedd and faced a series of questions regarding donations he accepted while running to be leader.

On Tuesday 16th July, several members of his cabinet resigned and called for him to step down.

These included: Mick Antoniw, Jeremy Miles, Julie James and Lesley Griffiths.

Mr Gething posted to X in both English and Welsh:

I have taken the difficult decision to start the process of stepping down as Prif Weinidog.

It has been the honour of my life to do this job, but it has also been the most challenging time, for me, and my family.

I have always acted to serve Wales, and that will never stop.

Rwyf wedi gwneud y penderfyniad anodd i ddechrau'r broses o ymddiswyddo fel Prif Weinidog.

Braint oedd cael gwneud y swydd hon, ond mae hefyd wedi bod yn amser heriol i mi a fy nheulu.

Rwyf wastad wedi gweithredu i wasanaethu Cymru, ac ni fydd hynny byth yn newid.
