Yvette Cooper: 'Labour will speed up the Windrush compensation payments'

June 22nd, 2024

If Labour are elected in July, Labour's Shadow Home secretary, Yvette Cooper, has said that Labour will speed up the Windrush compensation payments to 'those who were so badly wronged'.

In a piece for The Guardian Ms Cooper said:

A Labour government will turn the page. If we’re elected on 4 July, Labour will speed up the compensation payments to those who were so badly wronged.

In the piece Ms Cooper made the following commitments:

  • Ensure that the Windrush compensation scheme is delivered effectively
  • Labour will re-establish the Windrush unit within the Home Office
  • Labour will appoint a new Windrush commissioner to oversee the delivery of the compensation scheme and the implementation of the Williams review

Ms Cooper claims that 15,000 people were originally estimated to be eligible for compensation, with just 2,519 claims having actually been paid out.

You can read the full article in The Guardian.
