Zarah Sultana's letter to Rachel Reeves on axing the Winter Fuel Payment - 'This rise in fuel poverty is avoidable'

September 6th, 2024

Labour MP for Coventry South, Zarah Sultana has published a letter that she has written to Rachel Reeves regarding the axing of the winter fuel payment to pensioners.

Ms Sultana highlights the impact this will have on those with long-term health conditions, poor mental health and disabled older people.

Zarah Sultana's letter to Rachel Reeves:

Rachel Reeves MP

Chancellor of the Exchequer

Sent via email

19 August 2024

Dear Chancellor,

I write to you on behalf of Coventry South constituents who are deeply concerned about the government's announcement to drastically restrict access of Winter Fuel Payments to all but a small proportion of older people.

This new means-testing approach will exclude many older people who rely on this support. Age UK warns that up to 2 million older people in need of this support will no longer receive it. In addition, energy prices are expected to rise again from 1 October, resulting in the average older household expected to see energy bills jump by up to 15% in real terms.

Charities warn this "has the potential to create a public health emergency", emphasising the move will particularly hit those with long-term health conditions, poor mental health and disabled older people.

This cut to Winter Fuel Payments therefore risks millions more older people to living in cold, damp homes this winter. This rise in fuel poverty is avoidable.

Retaining the current provision of Winter Fuel Payments is estimated to cost €1.4 billion. This could be paid for by implementing a 2% wealth tax on assets over €10 million, which would raise £24 billion a year. Under a Labour government, it is time those with the broadest shoulders paid their fair share.

I hope you will reconsider this policy announcement.

Yours sincerely,

Zarah Sultana

Member of Parliament for Coventry South
