Rachel Reeves: I didn't come into politics to raise taxes on working people

June 6th 2024

Rachel Reeves has promised not to increase taxes if Labour form the next government. Here is a summary of her recent promises.

I didn't come into politics to raise taxes on working people. Labour will not put up your income tax, national insurance or VAT.

The Conservatives are the party of high tax.

Rachel Reeves has called the Prime Minister a liar.

Ms Reeves posted on X/Twitter: "The Prime Minister lied. Labour will not be raising taxes on working people".

In a brief video clip she went on to say:

The Prime Minister lied in the debate last night. Labour will not be increasing taxes on working people. I am very clear about that and everything in our manifesto will be fully costed and fully funded.

Rachel Reeves on inflation and mortgages:

I'll take the tough choices to deliver economic stability so we can keep taxes, inflation and mortgages as low as possible.

On 4 July vote for stability, vote for change

Last Updated: 5th June, 2024