More Reform UK Resignations - Sarah Morris - Interim Branch Chair posts resignation letter - other Isle of Wight officials resign too

March 21st, 2025

Sarah Morris, the Reform UK Interim Branch Chair for the Isle of Wight has posted her resignation statement to X:

Sarah Morris' statement in full:

I am writing this very reluctantly, as I have spent the past three and a half years helping to build recognition and support for Reform UK here on the Isle of Wight.

This included standing as the GE candidate last year, coming second with 20.8% of the vote and being one of the first across the country to set up a local branch.

I am resigning from my position as interim Branch Chair.

My decision to resign is due to the fact that I have lost faith in the leadership of the party as a result of recent and well publicised events around your treatment of @RupertLowe10.

I believe that until the party is genuinely given back to the members, it is in serious jeopardy of being corrupted. Having one or two people in full control over every aspect doesn’t sit well with me.

One of the fundamental reasons I got involved in the first place was to take back control of our lives from politicians and unelected bureaucrats. Letting the majority decide, not the minority.

I stayed loyal for too long, and should have seen the signs. Tony Mack, @benhabib6, Gawain Towler, @HowardCCox, Paul Oakden, @John_Perry_UK … the list goes on and on.

I actually feel a little responsible for Gawain’s departure. It seems to me that anyone genuinely doing a valuable job is ousted? At the London meeting I attended, I highlighted to Zia the brilliant role Gawain played in the run up to the election, and asked for his contributions to continue as they were invaluable. Those in the room who had been receiving his communications agreed, and yet only a few weeks later he was gone!?

The fact that Nigel is pivoting to the centre may gain a few votes, but it will lose the majority of the country who want mass deportations of Illegal aliens and foreign criminals. These deportations would free up spaces in our prisons, our housing lists, our hospital waiting lists… not to mention the sheer cost of it all!

I feel like Reform has been stolen from me, by Nigel and Zia. The Reform movement is ours, not theirs to sell off and play with as and when they want.

I also feel the vetting process is neither efficient nor transparent. Who is really deciding who is acceptable, and who isn’t, and using what criteria?

At branch level, we are volunteering our precious time and utilising the extremely kind financial donations from supporters. Yet, Zia stands there and takes all the credit for the branch formations whilst setting aside the very people who actually did all the work!

My decision to resign from the branch chair role has had an impact on the willingness of the current branch officers to continue in their posts.

My local team wrote;

"Sarah Morris led Reform UK on the Isle of Wight with our support. We were Sarah’s team; we fought to get her elected and have continued to support her as the branch structure was developed.

"Now that she is no longer able to head the branch, we have all had cause to consider our positions.

"Without her, the branch leaders are unwilling to continue. Polls show strong support for Reform UK here on the IOW, with the potential to win both seats. Now, the branch needs a new enthusiastic leadership team for upcoming council elections."

I understand they have contacted you separately informing you of their resignations.

This means that the branch is now without a leadership team and unable to continue operating.

Sadly, there appears to be no other option but to close the branch, ceasing activity until such time as a new leadership team can be identified and appointed.

As we wish to conclude our duties with good faith and professionalism, please advise on how best to close the branch or hand over to a new leadership team when they are appointed.


Sarah Morris - Outgoing Interim Branch Chair

Tony Barry - Outgoing Interim Deputy Chairman

Mike Robertson BEM - Outgoing Interim Branch Secretary

Geoff Ellis - Outgoing Interim Branch Campaign Coordinator

Cliff Williams - Outgoing Interim Branch Treasurer

IOW Branch
