Reform UK's Contract with you

June 17th, 2024


All non-essential immigration frozen to boost wages, protect public services, end the housing crisis and cut crime.

Illegal migrants who come to the UK will be detained and deported. And if needed, migrants in small boats will be picked up and taken back to France.

Still free at the point of delivery, healthcare needs reform to improve outcomes and enjoy zero NHS waiting lists. Cut back office waste to spend more money on the frontline. Tax breaks for doctors and nurses to tackle the staffing crisis.

Lift the income tax starting threshold to £20k to save the lowest paid £1,500 per year. This takes 7 million of the least well-off out of Income Tax to make work pay and get people off benefits.

Scrap energy levies and Net Zero to slash energy bills and save each household £500 per year. Unlock Britain’s vast oil and gas reserves to beat the cost of living crisis and unleash real economic growth.


  • Freeze Non-Essential Immigration
  • Stop the Boats with our 4 Point Plan
  • Secure Detention for all Illegal Migrants
  • Immediate Deportation for Foreign Criminals
  • Bar Student Dependents
  • Stop Health Tourism and Immediate Access to Benefits
  • Employer Immigration Tax

Government Waste

  • Bank of England Must Stop Paying Interest to Commercial Banks on QE Reserves
  • Save £5 in every £100
  • Brexit Bonus. Cut Unnecessary Regulations
  • Cut Foreign Aid by 50%
  • Collect £ Billions in Unpaid Tax

Economy Personal

  • Make Work Pay. Lift the Income Tax Start Point to £20,000 Per Year
  • Cut Energy Taxes, Beat the Cost-of-Living Crisis
  • Cut Residential Stamp Duty
  • Abolish the VAT Tourist Tax
  • Abolish Inheritance Tax (IHT) for all Estates Under £2m

Economy Business

  • Free Over 1.2 Million Small and Medium Sized Businesses from Corporation Tax
  • Abolish IR35 Rules to Support Sole Traders
  • Lift the VAT Threshold to £150,000
  • Support Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs)
  • Reform the Planning System
  • Slash Red Tape to Boost Industry and Exports
  • Reform the Tax System


  • End Doctor and Nurse Shortages
  • Use Independent Healthcare Capacity
  • Tax Relief of 20% on all Private Healthcare and Insurance
  • Put Patients in Charge With a New NHS Voucher Scheme
  • Improve Efficiency. Cut Waste and Unnecessary Managers
  • Save A&E
  • Excess Deaths and Vaccine Harms Public Inquiry

More to come!

Read the contract in full.
