Richard Tice letter to Yvette Copper about Greater Manchester Police

July 27th, 2024



The Rt Hon Yvette Cooper MP

Home Office

2 Marsham Street



26th July 2024

Dear Home Secretary,

I am writing to you in relation to the recent troubling incident involving Greater Manchester Police, where officers were grievously assaulted in the line of duty. This incident has raised significant concerns about the safety of our police officers and the enforcement of the law against such unacceptable acts or violence.

During this incident, the assailants hospitalised three police officers and created such severe problems that the officers were compelled to use tasers to subdue them. This level of violence against law enforcement is alarming and must be met with a strong and unequivocal response. Anything short or prosecuting the perpetrators to the fullest extent or the law sets a dangerous precedent that police officers cannot defend themselves from violent attacks.

Moreover, a lack of consequences in this case would demonstrate that the police are willing to bow to the pressure of rioters. It is crucial to show that this is not the case and that the rule of law will be upheld regardless of the circumstances. Ensuring accountability for such actions will reinforce the message that law enforcement agencies wIll not be intimidated or undermined by violent behaviour.

I urge you to confirm that you will actively encourage and support Greater Manchester Police in pursuing charges against the assailants for assault and any other laws they have broken. It is crucial that we send a clear message that such behaviour will not be tolerated and that our police officers are protected and respected.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I look forward to your response and to seeing justice served in this case.

Yours sincerely

Richard Tice

Member of Parliament for Boston and Skegness
