Reform MP Rupert Lowe has written to Alan Lovell, the Chair of the Environment Agency to ask for an explanation as to why his Internship Programme is prohibiting young white boys and girls from applying.
Rupert Lowe posted to X:
I have written to the Chair of the Environment Agency, asking why the organisation is prohibiting white boys and girls from applying for a summer internship programme with 40 jobs.
The @EnvAgency must urgently correct course, and allow applications from people of ALL colours.
-- Rupert Lowe, 14th December 2024
Rupert Lowe's letter to Alan Lovell in full
Rupert Lowe MP
Dear Mr Lovell,
You are Chair of the Environment Agency. The buck stops with you.
I, and many others, would appreciate an explanation as to why your agency's 'Summer Development Internship Programme 2025-30046' is prohibiting young white boys and girls from applying?
Forty jobs available, all exclusively for those from a 'Black, Asian or Ethnic Minority' background?
In my view, deliberately excluding applicants based on the colour of their skin is undeniable racism. Why does your organisation tolerate this level of discrimination when it is white people who are disadvantaged?
These positions should be open to applicants of ALL colour, sex, background or whatever else - you should hire purely on merit.
I note that your agency's diversity drive doesn't extend as far as your senior management team, which is exclusively white.
Perhaps those enforcing these racist policies should lead by example, and step aside from their highly paid roles in order to improve the 'diversity' of your leadership staff?
I look forward to your response and explanation.
It is simply unacceptable to have taxpayer money funding this overt racism. I hope you will urgently correct course.
Many thanks,
Rupert Lowe MP