Rupert Lowe's parliamentary team have asked him to post a statement from them. Mr Lowe posted the following statement to X:
As Rupert's entire parliamentary team, we feel obliged to take the unusual step of publishing this statement on the record. Rupert has had no involvement in the organisation or drafting of this letter.
Some of us have worked with Rupert for years, some for months. One for nearly 30 years.
We want to state this unequivocally: Rupert is a good, decent, and honest man.
We have never seen any violent or vicious behaviour from him, ever. Nor have we heard any concerns, from anyone, about this before last Friday. It has never been discussed with any of us.
He is courteous, loyal and unfailingly polite to us. A family man, who cares deeply for his wife, four children and one young grandson. Rupert has been nothing but kind to all of us, going above and beyond to make us feel comfortable and welcomed in the office. To put simply - we all love working for him.
We would all like to put our sincere appreciation to him on the record.
Wider allegations of 'bullying' are entirely untrue. These were only issued after the two individuals in question admitted to separate serious offences and the disciplinary process had started against both of them. They are vexatious complaints, sadly submitted to cause as much damage as possible.
We are all uncomfortable to see processes designed to protect staff weaponised in such an unpleasant and malicious fashion. Not just tarnishing Rupert's name unfairly, but also our office and subsequently us. This is not fair. Nobody from Reform has ever raised these concerns, or any about Rupert, with any of us before this 'investigation'. If they were so concerned about Rupert's behaviour, why were we not 'warned'?
Any allegations, of any bullying, against anyone, are robustly denied by all of us. It is simply not true. We will all happily and openly talk to any official investigation. There has been no contact to any of us from relevant official Parliamentary schemes or processes.
We are a team. Everybody is treated fairly and everybody is treated equally. We all get on well, have fun and work together to support Rupert. That is what we want to focus on. Not this.
Rupert is a good MP, a good boss, and a good man - he does not deserve what is happening to him.
Rupert's team.
Jonathan Wedon
Kateryna Petrenko
Liam Porter
Alistair Harrison
Will Peacock
Jess Rodgers
Jane Sheldrake, private secretary