Stephen Flynn asks Angela Rayner: 'Will Labour ban arms sales to Israel?'

June 14th, 2024

In last night's ITV Debate (Thursday 13th June, 2024) Stephen Flynn directed his question towards Angela Rayner.

Stephen Flynn, SNP Candidate for Aberdeen South, asked Ms Rayner:

Angela, it took four and a half months and the death or injury of almost 100,000 civilians in Gaza for the Labour Party to back a ceasefire. On day 1 of a Labour government, will you end Arms sales to Israel?

Stephen, you know as well as I do, what happened on 7th October was barbaric, and Israel had the right to defend itself. However, since then, the absolute loss of innocent lives, thousands of innocent lives, everyone in the house, everyone of all political positions have been pushing for a ceasefire as well as our international counterparts. But if we were in government, we would immediately review, as we've been asking the conservatives, the legal advice on arms sales to Israel, and we will comply with international law.

Former First Minister of Scotland, Humza Yousaf, took to X/Twitter to say:

Angela Rayner says a lot, but no confirmation that they would ban arms sales to Israel.

How many more children in Gaza have to be killed for Labour and Tories to do the right thing?
