Rt Hon Dame Eleanor Laing MP

Epping Forest

The Rt Hon Dame Eleanor Laing is the Conservative MP for Epping Forest, and has been an MP continuously since 1 May 1997. She is Deputy Speaker and Chairman of Ways and Means.


Government Positions Held
Date Post
n/a n/a
Opposition Posts Held
Date Post
03/07/2007 - 06/05/2010 Shadow Minister (Justice)
08/12/2005 - 03/07/2007 Shadow Minister (Women and Equality)
10/05/2005 - 08/12/2005 Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland
06/07/2004 - 10/05/2005 Shadow Minister (Women)
01/07/2003 - 01/12/2003 Shadow Minister (Children)
01/07/2001 - 01/07/2003 Shadow Spokesperson (Education)
01/07/2000 - 01/07/2001 Opposition Spokesperson (Constitutional Affairs, Scotland and Wales)
01/10/1998 - 01/07/2000 Opposition Whip (Commons)