Rt Hon Sir Alan Campbell MP


The Rt Hon Sir Alan Campbell is the Labour MP for Tynemouth, and has been an MP continuously since 1 May 1997. He currently undertakes the role of Shadow Chief Whip (Commons).


Government Positions Held
Date Post
05/10/2008 - 06/05/2010 Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Home Office) (Crime Reduction)
05/05/2006 - 05/10/2008 Lord Commissioner (HM Treasury) (Whip)
10/05/2005 - 05/05/2006 Assistant Whip (HM Treasury)
Opposition Posts Held
Date Post
09/05/2021 - Present Shadow Chief Whip (Commons)
08/10/2010 - 09/05/2021 Opposition Deputy Chief Whip (Commons)
12/05/2010 - 08/10/2010 Shadow Minister (Home Affairs)