Sir Gary Streeter MP

South West Devon

Sir Gary Streeter is the Conservative MP for South West Devon, and has been an MP continuously since 9 April 1992.

Register of Interests

1. Employment and earnings
Payments from Ipsos MORI, 3 Thomas More Square, London E1W 1YW, for completing opinion surveys:
20 January 2023, received £225 for Winter 2022 survey. Hours: 1 hr 30 mins.
From 15 April 2019 until further notice, non-executive director of Rentplus-UK Ltd, a company which provides rent to buy housing for young people, of II Exchange Square, 21 North Fourth Street, Milton Keynes MK9 1HL. From 1 February 2022, I will receive £31,500 a year in return for an expected commitment of about 20 hrs a month. (Registered 24 April 2019: updated 21 May 2020 and 28 January 2022)
9. Family members employed and paid from parliamentary expenses
I employ my wife, Janet Streeter, as part-time Junior Parliamentary Researcher.