Mrs Pauline Latham MP

Mid Derbyshire

Mrs Pauline Latham is the Conservative MP for Mid Derbyshire, and has been an MP continuously since 6 May 2010.

Register of Interests

4. Visits outside the UK
Name of donor: Falkland Island Government Address of donor: Falkland Islands Legislative Assembly, Gilbert House, Stanley, Falkland Islands FIQQ 1ZZ Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Flights (£1,566), accommodation (£772.30) and transportation (£180), plus wifi, dinners and room hire (£304.28), total value £2,822.58 Destination of visit: Falkland Islands Dates of visit: 19-24 November 2023 Purpose of visit: To better understand the Falkland Islands government, businesses, and people living there, also the strategic importance of the Islands from a UK perspective and the important role played by the UK Armed Forces in the Islands.
8. Miscellaneous
From 27 November 2020, Trustee of TADCT (The Aortic Dissection Charitable Trust) (unpaid).
From 26 June 2019, unpaid Trustee of the Industry and Parliamentary Trust, an organisation promoting dialogue between Parliament and business.
From November 2022, Executive Member of the British Group Inter-Parliamentary Union. This is an unpaid role.