Seema Malhotra is the Labour (Co-op) MP for Feltham and Heston, and has been an MP continuously since 15 December 2011. She currently undertakes the role of Shadow Minister (Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy).
Payments from Ipsos MORI, 3 Thomas More Square, London E1W 1YW, for surveys. All fees donated to charity.12 January 2022, payment of £225. Hours: 1 hr 30 mins. (Registered 13 May 2022; updated 05 January 2023)24 January 2023, payment of £225 for Winter survey in January 2023. Hours: 1 hr 30 mins.
Name of donor: (1) Medical Aid for Palestinians (2) Amnesty International UK Address of donor: (1) 33a Islington Park Street, London N1 1QB (2) 17-25 New Inn Yard, London EC2A 3EA Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): (1) Flights, accommodation, food and transport, value of £640.18 (2) Flights, accommodation, food and transport, value of £960.28 Destination of visit: Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel Dates of visit: 28 May – 1 June 2023 Purpose of visit: Fact-finding visit organised by the Council for Arab-British Understanding, Amnesty International UK section and Medical Aid for Palestinians.Name of donor: Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft e.V Address of donor: Pariser Platz 6, 10117 Berlin Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Accommodation, food and conference administration fee, value £441.93 Destination of visit: Neuhardenberg, Germany Dates of visit: 14-16 September 2023 Purpose of visit: To take part in the Konigswinter conference on German-British relations.
Residential property in London SW3: (i).Residential property in Brentford: (i) and (ii).
From 10 June 2019, Chair of Hounslow’s Promise, a charity set up by local MPs, schools, businesses and community organisations to support the education attainment, social mobility and employability of young people in Hounslow.From 24 November 2021, a trustee of the Dartmouth Street Trust, a grant-making body for policy research in relation to poverty.From December 2018, member (unpaid) of the Financial Inclusion Commission, a cross-party organisation which supports the principle of increased financial inclusion in the UK.