Jane Stevenson MP

Wolverhampton North East

Jane Stevenson is the Conservative MP for Wolverhampton North East, and has been an MP continuously since 12 December 2019.


Register of Interests

2. (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation
Name of donor: The United and Cecil Club Address of donor: Abbatt Group, New Penderel House, 283-287 High Holborn, London WC1V 7HF Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £5,000 to my election campaign fighting fund Donor status: unincorporated association
3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources
Name of donor: APPG for the Armed Forces Address of donor: House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Fifteen cross party briefings with Senior Armed Forces Officers including dinner, value £45 each; total £675 Date received: 1 January 2023 to 4 December 2023 Date accepted: 1 January 2023 to 4 December 2023 Donor status: other (Registered 11 October 2023; updated 28 November 2023 and 28 December 2023)
4. Visits outside the UK
Name of donor: Coalition for Global Prosperity (CGP) Address of donor: 1 Horse Guards Avenue, London SW1A 2HU Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Transport (£660.82); accommodation and room charges (£1,384.30); room bookings (£80.47); food (£310.88); flights (£1,093.33); and airport parking (£162.80); total value £3,692.60 Destination of visit: Washington DC, USA Dates of visit: 25-29 September 2023 Purpose of visit: Foreign policy delegation for Conservative MPs to attend discussions with US policymakers, officials and policy professionals to consider joint UK-US foreign policy challenges within the key themes of illegal & legal migration challenges, defence and diplomacy.
8. Miscellaneous
From 24 January 2020, member of Wolverhampton Town Board. This is an unpaid role.