Scott Benton MP

Blackpool South

Scott Benton is the Conservative MP for Blackpool South, and has been an MP continuously since 12 December 2019.

Recent Voting Record
Date Post Vote
31/01/2024 Draft Trade Union (Deduction of Union Subscriptions from Wages in the Public Sector) Regulations 2023
31/01/2024 Motion on Draft Electoral Commission Strategy and Policy Statement
23/01/2024 Opposition day: Children not in school (national register and support)
22/01/2024 Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill: Second Reading
22/01/2024 Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill: Reasoned Amendment to Second Reading
17/01/2024 Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill Committee: Third reading
17/01/2024 Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill Committee: New Clause 8
17/01/2024 Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill Committee: Clauses 9 and 10 stand part
17/01/2024 Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill Committee: Amendment 36
17/01/2024 Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill Committee: Clauses 5, 6, 7 and 8 stand part
17/01/2024 Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill Committee: Amendment 23
17/01/2024 Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill Committee: Clause 3 stand part
17/01/2024 draft Immigration (Employment of Adults Subject to Immigration Control) (Maximum Penalty) (Amendment) Order 2023
17/01/2024 draft Immigration Act 2014 (Residential Accommodation) (Maximum Penalty) Order 2023
16/01/2024 Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill Committee: New Clause 6
16/01/2024 Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill Committee: Amendment 19
16/01/2024 Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill Committee: Clause 2 stand part
16/01/2024 Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill Committee: Amendment 10
16/01/2024 Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill: Committee: Amendment 45
13/12/2023 Finance Bill Second Reading
13/12/2023 Finance Bill: Reasoned Amendment to Second Reading
13/12/2023 Draft Representation of the People (Overseas Electors etc.) (Amendment) Regulations 2023
13/12/2023 Draft Equality Act 2010 (Amendment) Regulations 2023
13/12/2023 Draft Representation of the People (Overseas Electors etc.) (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2023
12/12/2023 Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill: Programme Motion
12/12/2023 Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill: Second Reading
12/12/2023 Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill: Reasoned Amendment to Second Reading
29/11/2023 Data Protection and Digital Information Bill: Third Reading
29/11/2023 Data Protection and Digital Information Bill Report Stage: New Schedule 1
29/11/2023 Data Protection and Digital Information Bill Report Stage: Amendment 218
29/11/2023 Data Protection and Digital Information Bill Report Stage: Amendment 1
29/11/2023 Data Protection and Digital Information Bill Report Stage: Amendment 5
29/11/2023 Data Protection and Digital Information Bill Report Stage: Amendment 224
29/11/2023 Data Protection and Digital Information Bill Report Stage: Amendment 11
29/11/2023 Data Protection and Digital Information Bill: Re-committal motion
29/11/2023 Draft Strikes (Minimum Service Levels: NHS Ambulance Services and the NHS Patient Transport Service) Regulations 2023
28/11/2023 Draft Strikes (Minimum Service Levels: Passenger Railway Services) Regulations 2023
28/11/2023 Draft Strikes (Minimum Service Levels: Border Security) Regulations 2023
28/11/2023 Draft Code of Practice on Reasonable Steps to be taken by a Trade Union (Minimum Service Levels)
20/11/2023 Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill: New Clause 30
20/11/2023 Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill: New Clause 29
20/11/2023 Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill: Amendment 188
20/11/2023 Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill: Amendment 187
15/11/2023 King's Speech Motion for an Address: Amendment (k)
15/11/2023 King's Speech Motion for an Address: Amendment (h)
15/11/2023 King's Speech Motion for an Address: amendment (r)
14/11/2023 King's Speech Motion for an Address: amendment (m)
25/10/2023 Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill Report Stage: Amendment 28
25/10/2023 Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill Report Stage: Amendment 7
25/10/2023 Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill Report Stage: Amendment 13